
Our company is one of Israel's largest companies in the repair of electric motors and operates according to the ISO 9001 standard and provides a comprehensive solution to customer requirements nationwide and accompanies any project that is responsible for its professionalism and reliability and is characterized by efficient and quick response under one roof.

Our clients include:

Mekorot Water Company Ltd. / Electricity Company / Municipalities / Desalination Plants / Petroleum & Energy Infrastructures / Ministry of Defense / Haifa Refineries

Ashdod / Allied Plant / Dead Sea Works / Yehuda Steel / Kibbutzim and Water Associations / Ports and Railways Authority / Military Industrial Plants / Carmel Olefins / Haifa Chemicals North and South / Rotem Amfert Ventures Ltd. / Hadera Paper Mills / Bromine Compounds Ltd. Air / purification plants, etc.

We have a computerized test (A1000) for all types of AC / DC and high voltage motors, load test for vertical engines (low voltage at axial load up to 4 tons) and mechanical and machining department,Tubing tubing, VPI impregnation facility, as well as lifting and handling equipment in Haifa up to 15 tons, and a service center in Beer Sheva up to 4 tons.

Renovation and winding of motors is carried out at Haifa's main factory and in a service center in Be'er Sheva - renovation and winding of low-voltage vertical / horizontal AC motors of all sizes,

We make sure to use high quality insulation materials suitable for working at high temperatures.

Upgrading and winding AC motors High voltage vertical / horizontal up to 5000 HP.

Repair and winding of DC motors up to 2000 hp including load tests up to 400 A.

Repair and winding of EEXD explosion-proof AC motors according to the ATEX standard.

Repair and winding submersible motors

Renovation and twisting of motors for turret cranes.

Renovation and winding generators.

Repair and twisting transformers.

Renovation and winding of motors with a brake.

Renovation and twitching.

Due to the large number of low-voltage AC motors working with sub-speed, our company began in 2009 with the use of wires and insulation materials suitable for engines working with sub speed.

During 2014, the Company decided to complete the use of winding wires and insulating materials suitable for working with a sub-speed for all the motors that will be repaired at our plants.

Performing on-site jobs:

Area services including dismantling and assembly

A laser device of any rotating equipment

Dynamic balancing of all rotating equipment

Vibration testing, periodic testing and analysis of rotating equipment